Where to find Boiling Springs in Savage MN

How to find Boiling Springs in Savage MN, Unbelievably Awesome

No matter how old I get, there are still things that amaze me. Most of my adventures have me going far away, but sometimes things are in your own backyard. For Boiling Springs, that was exactly the case.

While it wasn’t in my backyard, it was in a few other people’s. Here is how to find Boiling Springs in Savage MN.

Boiling Springs Water Bubbles
Spring Time at Boiling Springs

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The Quick Facts about Boiling Springs in Savage MN

What is Boiling Springs in Savage MN?

Boiling Springs is a natural spring. Unlike the typical thought of what spring is, water doesn’t come out of the ground in a fountain. It actually gets trapped underneath the sandy bedrock of its small pond.

When the pressure gets too great, a crack forms, allowing a burst of water to come up to the top, looking similar to a bubble. The crack fills with sand almost instantly and it starts over again.

Depending on water levels, it could appear more active, especially in the spring. The bubbles usually form every couple of minutes at various spots on the pond. It got its name because of the appearance of bubbling waters.

Most people only see what’s happening on the surface. But what’s really amazing is what’s happening below. We first visited in the Fall and found it a little lackluster. We started out at the first entry point.

The trees cast a shadow on the water and the bubbles were not coming up as fast as we’d hoped. It was hard to keep the kid’s attention. That was until we walked around to the other side.

The sun was shining and my husband, with his polarized sunglasses, noticed he could see all the way to the bottom.

Instead of having bubbles come up, we were actually witnessing the breaking up of the bread rock in minor explosions rippling out from the ground. This occurrence was almost constant. Probably why the bubbling wasn’t as active.

Boiling Springs Savage

Feeling Like a Kid Again

When water levels are low, in the Spring, you can also cross the stream to the other side of the lake by walking over the downed trees. This is a little riskier, but what’s an adventure without risk?

Foot Bridge
Foot Bridge

Does it bubble Year-Round?

Boiling Springs, like most water sources, never stops moving. Because of the water coming from underground, and the minerals in it, the temperature stays a consistent 50 degrees. Because of its water temps, you can witness the activity year-round.

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Boiling Springs in Savage MN

Where to find Boiling Springs in Savage MN

Boiling Springs is actually behind a few houses in the Eagle Creek neighborhood. Don’t stress out, you won’t be going through someone’s yard to find it, or have to park any place weird.

The city has a parking space on the road just for visitors. The official coordinates are here.

From there, take the nicely mowed trail. The walk to Boiling Springs in Savage MN may be a quarter of a mile, not far at all, and look for the first trail you see into the woods.

It’s obvious and not far at all. (The orange arrow on the map). This will bring you right up to the spring.

Trail Head
Boiling Springs Entrance

If you want to look at the pond from the other side, stay on the trail mowed trail until you get to the end. There is a second trail leading into the woods and it wraps around to the other side of the stream. (See the green arrow on the map)

The trail isn’t as well defined but we felt this was a much better place to view the phenomena. It also had more secured footing on level ground.

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Boiling Springs Google Map
Parking at Boiling Springs in Savage MN

Tips for Visiting

  • Polarization is your Friend. Bring a pair of inexpensive polarized sunglasses. If you plan to bring a camera with you, bring a polarizing filter. You can find them inexpensively on Amazon and they make them for many cameras, go pros, and even a cover for your phone.
  • Go on a sunny day. It will help when you are trying to see what’s below the surface.
  • Never try to cross the stream to get to the other side. It’s a short walk to get to the other side.
  • Have little patients if you are waiting for bubbles. Sometimes it’s not bubbling but just a ripple you’ll see.
  • Be careful if you have little ones. The first access to Boiling Springs is steep, with only a small space to stand.
Hiking the creek in savage mn

Would I go back to Boiling Springs in Savage MN?

I’m already planning another quick trip to Boiling Springs in Savage MN. Seriously, the walk was about the distance you walk from the parking lot to Target. It was easy to find and easy to get to.

I want to go back with a little better-polarized gear and see it in action. If you are looking for something fun and unique to do near Minneapolis, I would definitely check this out!

Going Back for more. Path to Boiling Springs In Savage
Back for a second time in the Spring


If you noticed there is a mix of different pictures. That’s because we went back for a second trip in the Spring to see how the water levels changed things.

Instead of ripples, there were full bubbles and sediment coming up above the surface.

Let this be a lesson. If you ever find something lackluster the first time, sometimes you just need to go back when conditions are better.

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Boiling Springs in Savage MN

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