The Aftermath from a Grape Stomp

The Complete List of Minnesota Grape Stomp Festivals in 2023

After participating in my first Minnesota grape stomp festival, I was hooked! Stomping grapes are so much fun and with these grape stomping tips I’m about to share, you’ll be on your way to a victory in no time.

I quickly found out that not all stomps are created equally. Each stomp works differently. Between the barrel configuration, the number of grapes, to the number of people in the barrel at one time. But one thing is for sure, they are a lot of fun.

If you want to give it a try and are afraid of the competition, check out some of the JUST FOR FUN, free stomping events.

And if you want to get really good at the technique, try and participate in a competition that allows children to participate. You can learn the proper mucker techniques and try out different strategies just by doing that.

Stomping Grapes Grape Stomp at Crow River Winery in Hutchinson MN.

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Minnesota Grape Stomps

Harvest Festival & Grape Stomp at Round Lake Vineyards and Winery

August 29th in Round Lake, MN

Live music, wine tasting, and art vendors come together at this Stomp. Teams of two race to smash the most juice. Visit for more details.

Grape Jam and Stomp Festival at Sovereign Estates

September 8-10th in Waconia, MN

Teams of two compete to collect as much juice as possible. Free Stomping, Free Wine tastings, live music, and venue tours are happening all weekend.

Admission is free, stay for the afterpart with live music for an additional charge. Visit for all the details.

Sovereign Estates is a stunning property with great wines. Make sure to head back in the winter for their Holiday Light festival!

Grape Stomp Festival at Saint Croix Vineyards

September 9th-10th in Stillwater, MN

This is the original grape stomp in Minnesota and it’s FREE! They select the participants by drawing names. If you aren’t called, you’ll still get a chance to stomp in-between competitions.

They award prizes based on the best stomp style, based on audience applause. Take a tour of the winery and enjoy some live music.

The kids can participate in this one too! Visit for more details.

Hungarian Harvest Festival and Grape Stomp

September 16th in Kimble, MN

The Festival starts with a good glass of wine. All weekend, enjoy live music, games, FREE grape Stomping, and FREE Wine Tasting, guided tours, and art booths.

You can’t really pass this one up. Visit for more details.

Grape Stomp at Carlos Creek Winery

September 15th-17th in Alexandria, MN

The festival is one of the largest in the state. They include three days of stomping with a grand prize winner each day. Kids can stomp on Sunday.

The festival has a large craft show, an indoor man cave complete with beer and music. I recommend visiting on Friday or Sunday to avoid some of the crowds and discounted admission prices.

Get all the details on how you can stomp here.

Find out what happened when I went stomping at Carlos Creek Winery.

Grape Stomp at Crow River Winery

September 23th in Hutchinson, MN

Tons of ways to stomp. A children’s heat, two-person, trash the dress, and an I Love Lucy competition. They have food trucks on-site, wine tastings, and live music.

The cost is $35 per team and includes a t-shirt for every participant. I’ve attended this one a few times, and have collected Award Winning Techniques for you to use. Visit for more details.

Grapes on the Vine at The Carlos Creek Grape Stomp

Some of My Favorite Questions I get about Stomping Grapes

Why are grapes crushed with your feet?

Historically it was the simplest and most fun. But no, commercially produced wine does not use this method to make wine.

Does wine have to be made with grapes?

Nope. Wine can be produced from all kinds of fruits. The key is to ferment it. The basic process is the same as grape wine, but it allows the winemaker to experiment with different flavors.

In Minnesota, grapes don’t always produce the quantity needed to meet the demand. That’s where fruit first started making its presence.

How many grapes does it take to make one bottle of wine?

Without getting technical, anywhere from 2.5lbs per bottle. The amount depends on the process, evaporation, size of the barrel produced, and pressing technique applied.

What to wear when participating in a grape stomp festival?

It all depends on the weather since most events are held outdoors. It also depends on your role in the stomp.

As I describe in Grape Stomping Tips you want to have something that won’t get messy.

Shorts are the best option for the Stomper.

The Mucker, needs a tank top or T-Shirt. Depending on how serious you take it, the mucker may get covered all the way up to their arms and face.

Planning on stomping this year? Make sure to read all my Award Winning Grape Stomping Tips before you go.

What happens if your clothes get covered in grape juice?

When my daughter wore her brand-new pants and forgot to put on shorts underneath, I was horrified. I found that if you spray some Shout Gel Spray on the stains, and it came right out. The grape juice had dried and everything.

How to Participate in a Grape Stomp Festival?

If you want to participate, register as soon as possible. Many of the Minnesota grape stomps festivals fill up. Not all stomping locations provide baby oil or spray. I bring a small container of baby oil with me just in case. 

If they are using purple grapes, it can stain your clothing, so dress accordingly. Check with the location to get the exact details on the stomp you are attending, and prices may have changed.

Make sure, when you are out there to have a little fun. And don’t be afraid to get messy.

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